A Love- Boat Engagement Session in golden Wheat Field | King William, Virginia| Brittany & Nick | Sarah Duke Photography
Sunday June 10, 2018

Sarah Duke Photography | Published Virginia Wedding Photographer | Nick & Brittany | Wheat Field Engagement Session
When Brittany suggested her home as her desired location for engagement photos: Tappahannock Indian Reservation & the beautiful pier overlooking the Rappahannock River- I immediately had a vision of gorgeous hanging flowers adorning a canoe.
The question was, where would I find a canoe? The pursuit began! I surprisingly found a family friend who had two and offered to let us borrow one. I worked at home on the silk flower arrangements and when the day finally came I was so excited to see my vision come to life....until we learned the canoe was WAY to long for the truck of Nick's bed. I say we handled it great though - there was a gorgeous wheat field where we decided to place the canoe and start our session! we concluded the session on the water and the inactive railroad tracks on their Indian reservation. Here are a few of my favorites from our time together <3
