A Sunset Engagement at Prospect Hill Farm Estate in hanover Virginia | Kellyn & Ben | Sarah Duke Photography
November 28, 2018

Sarah Duke Photography | Kellyn & Ben | Engagement Session at Prospect Hill Farm Estate in Hanover Virginia
Tucked away on a little quiet road in Hanover resides 100 acres of private residential and farm land called Prospect Hill where I met Kellyn and Ben for their engagement session. As I turned down the first gravel road I was awestruck at the uniqueness of the first house I saw.
Upon arriving I was amazed to see a stunning white home originally built in 1880. Gargantuan windows, and a cozy, welcoming warmth radiating from it. Stretched out in all it’s splendor; 87 acres. Her and Ben took me on a miniature tour which revealed a substantial English garden, beautiful stone walk ways, a red barn, endless wheat field, and quiet trails. Most unique to my visit was seeing Kellyn’s white cottage – preserved in all it’s natural beauty!
The outside housed a cute patio table and chair set from Kellyn’s grandmother. I love how Kellyn and Ben incorporated pieces unique and special to them in our session together. The weather was just right for a hot chocolate and conversation. We adventured to a stone pathway and I was surprised to see my favorite plant -lambs ear – growing widely and beautifully! How romantic are these pathways? We made way to the lovely red barn, where the sun just so happened to reach it’s golden hour during our session. I had a lot of fun climbing up to the top level of the barn – and gave Ben a lot of credit sitting on the ledge. Ben is a firefighter, accustomed to heights, and made sitting there look easy!! The quilt Ben and Kellyn used during thier session was made with love by his step mom – I love the idea that photography can capture generations and lineage within a single image! It started to get dark quickly - gear in hand - we all lightly jogged to our last location. We even dodged a few bats that were swooping down from the trees! We made it to this serene trail - one which is very special to Kellyn and Ben and one that they regularly enjoy walking together. These two made our time together feel more like I was hanging out with great friends. Their love for each other was evident in every scene we captured together. I am so excited for their upcoming 2019 wedding!
