Kayla Portrait Session at Randolph Macon College & The Ashland Train Station in Virginia | To Get Her Smily Back |
December 08, 2018

Our roots go back to graduating seminary together and having served on a team dedicated to bringing Richmond's inner city children and youth to church. The days were lllooonnnngggggg- but I am so grateful to have met Kayla during this period of my life. We shared everything from cheese snack crackers to heartfelt testimonies and laughs! So when she reached out to me inquiring for something more than a portrait session I was honored to work with her in tailoring an experience.
This series is particularly significant in that it represents a major milestone in Kayla's life - one involving growth and personal discovery,
Our session at Ashland Train Station sets the tone for how any new journey in life can often feel at the beginning: waiting for a train that feels like it's never going to come. And with any great change, life demands of us a certain level of temporary discomfort. Which is where faith comes in the picture. Having faith that the decision to embark any new direction is justified... and that the temporary discomfort during the transformation is necessary for an abundance of joy in the end. Alongside Kayla during our time together were close family and friends which resonated to me a true demonstration of love and support - even while in the midst of transition. Truly, Kayla is beautiful inside and out! I am thankful for our time together! Stay tuned for our second session in March depicting what I refer to as "The Comback!" how the bigger picture of an individual experience can be the greatest testimony of all!
