Military Deployment Session | Pappas Family | in Mechanicsville Virginia | Sarah Duke Photography
Friday August 30, 2019

Routine and pattern keep our everyday lives comfortable. We typically don't think twice about waking up in the morning, getting dressed, commuting to work, paying bills, dropping the kids off at daycare, picking up the kids, and doing it all again the next day. But it’s easy to get lost in the “hustle and bustle” of the routines we all have come to know so well. So much so, that for many, life is one big “Monotonous Monday.”
But what if I told you that this, “every day, monotonous, hustle and bustle, wake up and repeat kind of life”…. is actually a privilege? That instead of complaining that our lives are like the “same ol” monotonous roller coaster, we should actually be grateful knowing what we can anticipate on a daily basis?
The reality is, many families have their routines shaken when a loved one is called to deployment. For the brave men and women who are given orders overseas to do a job they do so well, routines and patterns suddenly become unraveled. Instead of a daddy being there when his daughter steps on the school bus the first day of school, he is unpacking his world within the confines of a footlocker. The reality is, the same “boring” routine one man may complain about, is the same normalcy another deployed serviceman yearns for upon returning home. How often we mistaken privilege for boredom.
I actually didn’t plan for this post to be before September 11, and since I believe coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous, I am reminded after doing this incredible session with the Pappas family, that every day is truly a gift. And at any time, the routines we have come to anticipate in our lives can change without notice.
It’s easy to get use to routine …so much so we forget to thank the individual who sacrificed their own for us to have it. So to Lucas, I thank you and will continue lifting you up in prayer as your responsibilities call you to serve us overseas. And to the Pappas Family, it was an honor meeting you all and spending this time with you guys, your fun loving personalities made this session so much fun and one I know I will never forget! Enjoy a few of my favorites from our time together.
Warmest Regards, Sarah
